Monday, July 03, 2006

IQ and Genetics III

I believe that the mind is more that just a complicated machine, the very fact that some part of IQ is due to environment alone and the rest genetics (which can be emulated) goes to show that the mind can't simply be a machine. It appears as if the mind is both material (machine/genetics) and immaterial (environment).

Though it is possible to emulate the machine portion of the mind it may be impossible to emulate the immaterial portion of the mind. It is the immaterial portion of the mind that may distinguish geniuses from "normal" people. What exactly is the immaterial portion of the mind? The functioning of the brain from a strictly materialist point of view is understood to some degree, but the workings of the immaterial portion of the mind is to a large extent unknown.

The idea of emulating at least the superficial aspects of a mind does have benefits, it seems that not only does the brain strengthen its ability to support certain types of reasoning, but the immaterial portion of the mind itself also strengthens its ability to understand and carry out new types of reasoning. It appears as if the immaterial portion of the mind can "unify" itself with the immaterial portion of the mind of former geniuses, though it may be of no use if the reasoning processes of past geniuses where adequate only to solve problems from the past.

John G.


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